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GAS PIPELINE February 2022

Dear Member, welcome to our new issue of GAS Pipeline Pipeline will keep you up to date on happenings in Guildford Art Society and what your Committee are doing on your behalf - and provide fun activities and challenges from time to time

Our Demonstration Programme Arranged by Sally Perrella Our 2022 Programme continues with - 12th February Soraya French Acrylic - Floral Landscapes 12th March Maggie Cross Demo - Chinese Brush 9th April Chris Christoforou Talk - Beauty in the Back Yard 7th May Fiona Pruden Watercolour - Abstract We had hoped that our 2022 Demos would be Live at St Catherine's but it's likely that the early ones will all have to be online, in which case the artists will broadcast in their chosen format, and Sally or Jean will email joining details. Demos will start at 2.30 and finish at around 4.30, and we may be able to provide a recording of some of them after the demo Members are requested to contribute £2 at our Live meetings (no charge for refreshments) and may bring guests on payment of £3

Our Exhibitions Arranged by Ingrid Skoglund Ingrid has arranged a Spring Pop-up at the Holy Trinity Church on Saturday 4th of June - details soon We were planning a Spring Exhibition at the Cricket Pavilion, but a late cancellation by them has left us without any firm options for the Spring, despite extensive research of alternatives by Ingrid and the team, including the gallery at The New House, which regrettably is way too small for an exhibition of our size The good news is however that Ingrid has secured the Shalford Village Hall for a Summer Exhibition - the last two weeks in August, which includes the bank holiday, and we have hopes that we can make this a regular event. This is a very nice and spacious venue - all on the ground floor - plenty of free parking - access all day and all evening, which opens up additional possibilities as it has bar and kitchen facilities - think evening opening and a glass of wine! We will therefore need commitments from members to help publicise our Summer Exhibition in due course, to help make it a great success. Calling papers will be sent out at the beginning of July We also hope to return to West Horsley Place in the Autumn but haven't yet been able to agree a firm booking with them

Committee Doings This year's AGM - has been provisionally scheduled for 7th of May - details will follow soon. The Friday Group - Currently has vacancies - if you would like to join please contact Annmarie on The new term starts on 11th of February for ten weeks - 9.30 to 12.30 - Shallford Village Hall - Kings Road, Shalford GU4 8JE. Subscription for the ten weeks is £40 for members and £55 for non-members to cover the cost of the hall - plus £3 per session to cover the cost of the model. Bring whatever materials you prefer - pencils, charcoal, pastel, watercolour, acrylic or oil - oil solvents should be odour-free please.

Our Artist of the Month for January is Christine Charlesworth

You can see more of Christine's work on the GAS website or on her website GAS Monthly Challenge - Our Challenge for January was ......... New Beginnings! and you submitted 14 excellent entries As always, the entries were anonymised and put on Instagram, and the eleven entries with the most Instagram "likes" (two tied for tenth place this month) were then submitted (still anonymised) to our eleven-member panel of wise men and women - which includes our Chairman Sinclair and our President Jane Allison - many thanks to all for their wisdom Our panellists were asked to rank the entries first, second and third, and the results were combined to determine the final placings and we had a very clear winner - in the top three by nine of our panellists - this excellent painting by Linda Day - bang on theme. In second place was this beautiful panting by Susie Lidstone, which actually came top on Instagram "likes" And a worthy third was this very atmospheric painting by Bob Milton

Congratulations to all who entered

All 14 entries can still be seen on the GAS Instagram account, the top ten will appear on the GAS website very soon, and the winner will receive a voucher prize. If you're reading this on our Website click on the December Challenge icon on the right to see the top ten The Challenge for February is ....... Creatures of the Forest. And let's stretch "creatures" to include not only animals, birds and bugs etc. - but also plants - so we open it up to anything that lives or grows in the Forest. The only limit is your imagination! Stretch the theme - in any medium or visual art form. If you'd like to enter just email your image (.jpeg or .jpg file) to Cecilia, at - by the 20th of February, and please make sure you give your full name in your email After the 20th of January Ingrid will put all the entries on Instagram so you can cast your votes (likes) then. And I had a request from a member during the month to give more advance notice of future Challenges - what a good idea!. So from now on I'll advise not only the current month Challenge but also that of the following month so you can get cracking And as a man of my word I can reveal exclusively here - before any of the newspapers get wind of it - that the Challenge for March will be ....... Memories. Entries won't open until the first of March so please don't send any March entries before then And as always - - Just one entry per person - A .jpeg or .jpg file - not a link to your website - Ask your friends to put a like against ALL the entries they like, not only your masterpiece - Be aware of Copyright - for info click on the Gallery tab on the GAS website and you'll find guidance and useful links Sadly missed For those who are able to attend John Freeman's funeral, Jane Allison has advised that everyone is welcome and the funeral will take place at St Mary's Church, Quarry Street, Guildford at 12 noon on Thursday, 10th of February And Finally - From You To Us! If you'd like to make a comment or suggestion on Pipeline please send us an email to - we'd be glad to hear from you! Take Care - and See You Next Month! David Sprot and Cecilia Barandiaran-Sprot - Pipeline Editors


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