Dear Member, Welcome to our April issue of GAS Pipeline Pipeline will keep you up to date on happenings in Guildford Art Society and what your committee are doing on your behalf - and provides fun activities and challenges from time to time. New News! Our AGM will be held at 10am on the 17th of April Where? Your home! Because of lockdown restrictions we're not able to hold our AGM in the normal way so we're doing it by Zoom, and we hope you'll find this works well. Jean Ellis, our Secretary, will email the papers to you in the next few days - the Chairman's and Treasurer's Reports, the accounts, and everything you need to know - plus an updated Constitution for your approval. Why 10am? So we can take as long or as short as necessary to answer your questions - and quite possibly this may not take longer than half an hour. And then? A Coffee Morning hosted by Sally starting about 10.30 for a general chat about anything you like. We offer you a comfortable chair, your favourite coffee and cake, and the option of having a snooze if you like before Chris Forsey's Demo starts at 2.30 that afternoon - we promise not to disturb you. What a wonderful day!
Our Demonstration Programme arranged by Sally Perrella 10th April Rob Wareing Portraits - Oils 17th April Chris Forsey Coastal Scenes - Mixed Media 8th May Paul Hinks Pets or Wildlife 15th May Elizabeth Baldwin Animals - Line & Wash 5th June Tim Wilmott Street Scene 19th June Max Hale Portraits - Oils Artists will broadcast in their chosen format, and Sally or Jean will email details a week in advance on how to join. Demos will start around 2.30 and finish around 4.30, and if you miss any of them we'll do our best to provide a recording for a limited time after the demo. Our Autumn Demo Programme is being booked now - at St Catherine's Hall all being well, with the possibility of some demos being by zoom if that proves necessary. Starts with a Welcome Back Social on the 11th of September, details next month.
Our Exhibition Plans
What a hollow year 2020 was after our successes of 2019. But things are on the up! Ingrid Skoglund is planning an Autumn Exhibition at the wonderful West Horsley Place from 5th of November, with the possibility of also taking part in an Arts and Crafts Fair there at the end of November. More later.
And between exhibitions - Ingrid's working with Annmarie Shenton and David Jobson on better ways to exhibit - or sell - your artworks on our More information will be on the website - just send good quality images to Annmarie or David with relevant details -
Your Name
The Title of your Work, Description of your Work, and the Medium
The Size of your Work, and whether it's Framed or Unframed
And the Price!Or NFS - (Not For Sale) if you just want to exhibit
Any buyer enquiries will be passed to you to discuss price and shipment, and remember - you don't have to sell if you just want to exhibit!
GAS Challenge -
We didn't have entries last month for a new header so the present one will continue for a while longer. Our Challenge for April is ............. Water!
This gives lots of scope for your imagination to run wild - could be a seascape or river scene - or a vase of water - or bubbles - or rain - or whatever else you can come up with on the theme - in any medium and any visual art form.
The winner will receive a voucher prize and be featured in the May issue of Pipeline and on the GAS website. If you'd like to enter just email your image (jpeg file) to me at ds4GasPipeline@gmail.comby the 24th of April, in time for our May issue. Good Luck!
Saturday Coffee Mornings on Zoom
10.30 on the 17th of April as indicated, following the AGM
Non-GAS Events you might be interested in -
A David Hockney Exhibition at the Royal Academy in London from 23rd May to 26th September, and for something more exotic a Zanele Muholi Exhibition at the Tate Modern in London until 31st of May - see their websites
We'll keep our eyes open for anything else interesting and let you know
Liz Sewardis our AOTM for March - you can see more of her work on the GAS website, or on her website:
And Finally - From You To Us!
If you'd like to make a comment or suggestion or take up our Challenge send me an email to - we'd love to hear from you!
Take Care - and See You Next Month!
David Sprot - Pipeline Editor