Image of the Month
by artist Roger Dellar

Guildford Art Society - ANNUAL FEES for 2025
The annual membership fee for the calendar year beginning 1st January 2025 is £30 for email exhibiting members. This is a 20% rise on the last one of £25, first set in 2019. However, if you look at the CPI as an inflation index over the same period, you will find that went up by 23%. Reminders will be sent out in mid-December.
PROGRAMME FOR 2025 will be updated on the Programme page.
Guildford Art Society began in 1923 and has a current membership of 217 artists, amateur and professional. The Society has a very interesting history. We have been exhibiting since 1925. If you would like to know more, then click here for an article on this. We are an open and social as well as creative organization. You can also look at our recent history page under the News page.
We were established to encourage the visual arts, painting, sculpture, and crafts. To that end, the Committee arranges physical and online demonstrations, outdoor painting days, workshops, and exhibitions. Members also get together informally and organize their own events, social and craft related in their own groups.
The purpose of this open website is to present to the public and our members, our news and information about events, to show members' artworks in our online galleries, and to give guidance on making contact with us.
The process is simple. Go to the Membership Page to download an application form and then send it in by email or post. That gives us information about you, which lets us communicate with you. You can then take part in any activities, join any groups as you wish, and make your own suggestions as to what we should be doing or what you think you could be starting and organizing.
Links to Useful References
You can also look at our Members' Facebook Group page by clicking here.
Privacy Policy
Regulations have come into effect across Europe to protect your personal data – commonly called GDPR (Government Data Protection Regulation). They follow the existing Government Data Protection laws in the UK and establish more extensive regulations for processing personal data.
The GAS committee have devised a Privacy Policy to align with these requirements. This is available for you to read when you click here. Please be assured that the Committee stores your identity data carefully and will not share it with third parties without your consent.
If you have any enquiries, please contact me at d_jobson@me.com.
Create your own website
If you are an artist and want to create your own website have a look at these examples with a click here :-)
If you want to know about other arts events in Guildford beyond Guildford Art Society, then click on this Guildford ARTS link to learn more.